
NWASCO commences operations

NWASCO commences



Guidelines introduced

11 guidelines were developed which made monitoring of water supply and sanitation more transparent and enhanced.

2002 nwasco guidlines

Pro-poor Basket Fund established

All Commercial Utilities accessed funds from the DTF for water and sanitation projects benefiting over one million people.

2003 nwasco pro poor busket

Benchmarking and Comparative Publication Introduced

Commercial Utilities are benchmarked and their performance disseminated to the general public via the annual sector report. 20 sector reports have since been produced and best performing CUs awarded.

2003 nwasco benchmarking



Transparent Tariff model introduced

Consumer involvement in tariff setting process was introduced; this has made them to be aware of tariffs.

2004 Transparent Tariff model introduced

NWASCO Information System (NIS) established

CUs submit annual reports electronically. The system has become the major source of information for urban water supply and sanitation.

2004 nwasco NIS

Part-time inspectors (PTIs) introduced

15 PTIs have been engaged around the country, strengthening the monitoring of CUs.

2005 Part time inspectors PTIs introduced



Regulation by incentives programme introduced

Incentives have been incorporated in the day to day operations of commercial utilities2008 nwasco

Commercialisation process completed

11 CUs were formed servicing all the 10 provinces in the country with Luapula Water Supply and Sanitation Company being the last.

These have improved service delivery to consumers.




Resource and Knowledge Centre Introduced

A one-stop reference point for information and knowledge sharing on water and sanitation was opened.


Launch of MyWatSan Quick Fix

A complaints resolution platform for the submission of water supply and sanitation complaints to the water supply and sanitation provider named MyWatSan was launched.

Unresolved complaints are automatically escalated to the regulator, NWASCO.




Launch of the frameworks for provision of Urban Onsite Sanitation and Rural Water Supply Regulatory in Zambia

Regulation for onsite sanitation and rural water supply was enforced by NWASCO


Physical Address:
164 Mulombwa Close,
Fairview, Lusaka

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 34358,
Lusaka - Zambia

Complaints Email:
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General Email:
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+260 211 226941/2
Complaints: Toll Free 5252 


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